Avenging Eagle (1978) – Review
I almost always enjoy a classic Shaw Brothers movie, and this movie is a classic example of why. Two wary travelers stumble upon one another and find they share a similar goal, but not everyone’s intentions are clear. Alexander Fu Sheng and Ti Lung team up to battle Eagle Chief Yoh Xi-Hung and his murderous band of thieves in a quest for revenge of the deadliest kind. Their unique relationship sets up a very interesting plot.
All the ingredients are there. Ti Lung and Fu Sheng give excellent performances. The cast of villains are great. Each one bears a medallion hand-crafted by their sifu, and each is a master of their own unique weapon style. The sets in this picture are top notch… that is to say if you are a fan of Shaw’s stylized set design (which I am). The movie is also packed to the gills with fights, and has a pretty hefty kill count.
While I don’t think this film sets any precedences, it still featured two of their greatest stars and delivers exactly what Shaw Brothers fans have come to expect. Directed by Sun Chung.
Story Rating: [usr 5] Kung Fu Rating: [usr 4]